
I hope you know…..

February 17, 2019

One of the best parts about flying is that I have uninterrupted time. No social media, no texts, no calls just focused time to think. As I was looking out of my window, 30,000 feet in the air, listening to some tunes, these thoughts began to materialize. They became more important as the weekend progressed. I’ve come to realize, if you are patient and attentive, the Universe will send you signs to help you on your journey through life. Sometimes it’s a sign that you are following the right path and lately they seem to be tests to see what I’ve learned or how I’ve grown. I hope I’m reading them all correctly, but I guess I won’t know until the very end……. 

Sometimes I look at myself and am so surprised at how happy I seem. It sucks to realized that big changes had to happen for me to get to this point. But, then I’ll get a message from those whom I thought loved me, telling me what a bad person I am and this reminds me that the change was necessary. Not everyone will agree with how we choose to live our lives but ultimately that is not our concern.

What I realized was that my happiness, sadness and self-doubt were a result of allowing others to dictate my feelings. I don’t think it’s a bad thing that others can make us happy or that the actions of others can make us sad. The challenge is recognizing whether or not you need someone else to make you happy or if you allow the negative actions of others to alter how you see and feel about yourself. We are the only ones responsible for our happiness and no one is allowed to have you question your self-worth. So here are a few things I have to remind myself and I hope they are good reminders for you too.

“I hope you know you are enough just as you are. I hope you know you are capable of anything. I hope you know you can still love after being hurt by someone you loved. I hope you know not to force anything, square pegs don’t fit in round holes. The right things always fit. I hope you know you are worthy even if someone once told you you weren’t. They were wrong. I hope you know you don’t need anyone else but it’s ok to want someone else. I hope you know I believe in you even if you don’t believe in yourself yet. I hope you know you can be strong and confident and powerful as well as being feminine and soft and sexy. I hope you know you don’t have to fit in. Color outside the lines and take the unbeaten path. I hope you know the way to get the most out of this life is to lean in to all experiences. Don’t shy away from feeling things; the good, the bad and the ugly. And I hope you know you are loved for the wonderful human being you are: just you.” 

I hope you all know how much I appreciate you.

Ciao Bella


One comment

  1. You’re an amazing Woman and I can’t think of anyone who knows you who’d ever say such things, knowing they’re patently false .

    O.K., maybe _one_ person but you’re a wonderful and talented person, never let anyone else tell you differently .

    -Uncle Nate

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